
This page has info on team commands!

Commands that everyone has access to-

/team top - View the top teams. /team baltop - View the richest teams. /team list [page] - Get a list of all teams on the server. /team info [team/player] - View information about the specified player / team. /team rank [team] - View the rank of a team. /team create <name> [tag] - Creates a new team with that name. /team join <team> - Joins the specified team. /team leave - Leave your current team. /team bal - View your teams balance. /team chat [message] - Send a message only to your team. If a message is included, it will send a single message to the team chat, if no message is included the player will be moved to the team chat (all further messages will go there). /team allychat [message] - Send a message only to your allies. /team home - Teleports you to your team's home. /team echest - View your teams ender chest. /team withdraw <amount> - Withdraw money from the teams balance. /team deposit - Deposit money into the teams balance. /team warps - View a list of your teams warps. /team warp <name> - Warp to a location set by your team.

Commands that only team owners/admins have access to-

/team name <name> - View and change your team's name. /team color <colour code> - Change your teams color. /team description [description] - View and change your team's description. /team tag [tag] - Set your teams tag. /team open - Toggle if the team is invite only or open to everyone. /team invite <player> - Invite the specified player to your team. /team title [player/me] [title] - Change that players title within the team. /team promote <player> - Promotes a player in your team to the next rank. /team demote <player> - Demotes a player in your team from their current rank. /team pvp - Toggle if pvp is enabled for your team. /team setwarp [password] - Set a warp for the rest of your team. /team delwarp [password] - Delete that warp from your team. /team sethome - Sets your team's home at that place. /team delhome - Delete your team's home. /team rankup - Rank your team up to get more perks. /team ally <team> - Used to request an alliance with another team. /team neutral <team> - Remove allies and reject ally requests. /team kick <player> - Kick that player from your team. Players can only kick members a lower rank than their own. /team ban <player> - Bans the specified player from your team. Players can only ban users a lower rank than their own. /team unban <player> - Unbans the specified player from your team. /team setowner <player> - Set the teams new owner. /team disband - Disband your current team. Cannot be undone!

Last updated