
This category has info on Skills


We have a balanced passive abilities and skills plugin that players can enjoy on a server! There are over 100 abilities that are fresh and unique for you! Abilities are all accessible in the in-game GUI (Right-clicking any Bookshelf Face) providing a more user-friendly experience to a "skills" system.

Skills are a very useful thing to acquire as they allow you to surpass what a regular person can do. Whether that be punching with the strength of an axe or, when hit, gain extraordinary powers but of course it requires a lot of time and dedication. There are multiple categories for the skills whether it is crafting, hunting, or stealth and each of the categories have multiple skills in them and to level them up you must do the category requires. Example being for hunting, by killing entities, you gain xp which give you Knowledge and you can spend knowledge on skills to acquire them.

You can use the sub-categories on the left hand side to see more information about Skills!

Last updated